Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Jolt or muscle jerk when meditating.

Muscle jolts, jerks and jumps are a normal part of meditation and mindfulness practice.  Here are some possible reasons why this happens, differential diagnosis of what it 'could' be, and what we can do with that in our practice.

Myoclonus;  Primary Physiological  Myoclonus, like hiccups, sleep starts, shakes or spasms due to exercise (post exercise), shaking due to anxiety, asthma attacks can cause carpopedal spasms. 

Hypnagogic jerk (hypnic jerk)

What it most likely is. 

Threshold of muscle contraction and acetylcholine.

What you can do-

Changes in your meditation technique; sitting position, use a chair, bolsters, time of meditation, 

"RAIN" Recognize, accept, investigate, non-attach

Breathing techniques

Stretching during, before or after meditation practice. 

Calcium and Magnesium, water, (tea), amino acids, b complex vitamins. 

What if it does not subside or gets worse?  

See your doctor:  If it gets worse, continues even when not meditating, causes a spasm or seizure, or you are having headaches as well.  Get checked out by your healthcare provider. 

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