So, if you have not noticed, there is (once again) a little kerfuffle about H.H. The Dalai Lama and his actions with a young Indian boy that was in audience to him. First of all remember there are three sides to a story, 'first side', 'second side' and what actually happened.
One video chastized people of thinking wrong of the Dalai Lama ad defended him vigorously, posting the 'whole' video of the incident. However, they avoided the 'Suck my tongue' statement the Dalai Lama actually said... This is one side. People defend his actions no matter what evidence, saying he is infallable, a great guru, was joking, using 'crazy wisdom' and the like.
Other videos are disparaging these actions and raising alarm. Stating this is clear child abuse, pedophilic actions etc. They are focusing on the 'Suck my tongue' quote and really pushing what they saw and believe has happened. Most of these are more inflammatory and trying to get more clicks.
Now, take the middle road, centered path, etc... Just like Buddhism teaches. Right??
-No it is not a deep fake, using AI or what ever, the Dalal Lama's office did offer an apology (you can see it on his official site) Here... You don't offer an apology for a deep fake, you call it out...
-No it is not a cultural thing. Although there is a tradition of sticking a tongue out to prove it is not 'black' like that 9th century Tibetan King 'Lang Dharma'... Now there is apparently an old custom of sticking out the tongue as a 'hello' but clearly this was not that. There is no 'tongue sucking'... So there's that. Now people keep quoting the movie '7 years in Tibet' where there is a scene where both Brad Pitt (Henrick Herrer) and David Thewlis (Peter Aufschneiter) at about 40 minutes enter a bazarr and the people are clearly not saying hello, but sticking their tongues out as if (traditionally) to discourage evil spirits. i.e. white devils... LOL.... They both wonder about the action and David THewlis's character says, "must mean hello". and There is not one mention of using the tongue to say hello, much less sucking one... LOL Here, it is explained that it is a 'kind' of greeting that shows you are not the demon king Lang Dharma or one of his reincarnates.
The Chinese government must by almost giddy about this. Seeing the Dalai Lama topple or even stumble is a ripe opportunity to call him out as an abuser (even if untrue) to discredit his office and person. Wait for more of that I am sure.
Now the third side. The child's mother was two seats to the right hand side of the Dalai Lama, she had indeed met him (the Dalai Lama) previously. The child was a 'plant' or at least known to the group as he was sitting with his mother. Asked to hug the Dalai Lama... when this happened the audience laughs (I would kind of say hesitantly that it was an uncomfortable laugh). No one moved to stop any of it as I surmise there was confusion and it was such a short interaction. As well, good luck on going up there, he has a crack security team.
Watch the video, (I suggest the second one that defends him) there is indeed a playful interaction between the Dalai Lama and this child. Only when the Dalai Lama asked the child 'suck my tongue' the child seemed to be hesitant... That video though does not show the tongue incident. see it here...
OK so now what? This is in no way in any experience I have had in Buddhism (Been practicing for well over 30 years, been a minister/priest for almost 20 and have worked with the United Nations regarding Buddhism itself, and worked with chaplains, monks, nuns, priests, etc... for that time. No where have I seen this. It was confusing and discouraging to see. I have interviewed hundreds of them Tibetan, Nepali, Burmese, Bhutanese, Indian etc.. all over that region, never once did anyone stick their tongue out to me or anything even similar, nor did I see it when they greeted any other monk, nun or laity.
But let's see what happens. See where it goes. My guess is the apology will be about it, the Dalai Lama will not be meeting with others in public or filmed for a little while until the dust clears. I am also waiting to see what the next explanation is from the office of HH the Dalai Lama.
ending, The Buddha said, 'There are three things that cannot be hidden for long, the Moon, the Sun, and the Truth...
so just wait. breathe. be calm, let's get more facts.
I don't follow the Dalai Lama, he is not my guru, but is the guru of my friends, I am worried for them. I hope they don't feel too badly about this. It was a foible... (I hope).
It also reminds me of the Buddha's advice to the Kalamas... read that too.,mind%2C%20not%20on%20judgemental%20intellect.
Furthermore, there are many that left the Christian Church to get to Buddhism for the very reasons of exploitation and abuse of the young by priests. Many Catholics are very discouraged and lost their faith. Think if that same situation had happened with a priest or The Pope?! This event is very triggering and concerning and rightfully so, but again, take some time to figure it out. Some will leave Buddhism just because of this (albeit there are many many examples in almost every tradition of Buddhism that has some form of child endangerment, etc). Some will become more devout because they will understand things differently and feel more piety and fervor for the Dalai Lama.
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